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Nylon brush, 6mm, Strobl

Replacement nylon brush for universal cleaning rod from Strobl. For accurate and shooting distances, it is necessary to regularly clean the barrel. This is also the same for airsoft guns!

In Stock > 100 pcs Delivery date

1,60 € incl. VAT

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More Information
Nylon brush, 6mm, Strobl. Replacement nylon brush for universal cleaning rod from Strobl. For accurate and shooting distances, it is necessary to regularly clean the barrel. This is also the same for airsoft guns! Nylon brush is suitable for cleaning debris and removing harder materials which have got clogged (eg. Stainless steel, anodized surface, high quality brass).

Recommended airsoft accessories, parameters, review and other useful information about the product Nylon brush, 6mm, Strobl can be found in the bookmarks.

Product Comments

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Petr Fučík, 21. 04. 2015

Štefan Livinka, 02. 06. 2015

Osobně jsem s tímto kartáčkem velice spokojený, čistí skvěle a rychle, však není nijak agresivní vůži povrchu a nijak ho nepoškozuje. Životnost nedokáži odhadnout, však předpokládám, že s ohledem na míru tření štětinek a jejich tuhost bude životnost kartáčku více než dostačující.

Jason Van der meulen, 17. 06. 2021

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