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Digital Li-Pol alarm, monitor, 1-8S, signalization, iMaxRC

Digital Li-Pol monitor can quickly and easily measure the voltage of each cell and the total voltage of the entire battery. This version also features an alarm sound (two really loud sirens) and optical warnings (flashing red LED with high luminance) in the case of reaching the lower limit, which can be arbitrarily selected by the user or off.

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7,20 € incl. VAT

Digital Li-Pol alarm, monitor, 1-8S, signalization, iMaxRC. Digital Li-Pol monitor can quickly and easily measure the voltage of each cell and the total voltage of the entire battery. It is basically a miniature voltmetre with three-digit LED seven-segment display. This version also features an alarm sound (two really loud sirens) and optical warnings (flashing red LED with high luminance) in the case of reaching the lower limit, which can be arbitrarily selected by the user or shut down. Thanks to this helper you will find the precise state of the battery directly in combat or at home i mmediately after charging. Moreover, you can leave it plugged in guns over its use and you can be sure that mistakenly boarded their Li-xxx battery - Alarm alerts you to reach critical values. The device connects to a regular service connector (JST-XH, JST-EH) and measure up to 8-cell Li-Pol/Li-Ion/LiMn/Li-Fe battery with accurate to a hundredth of a volt.

Dimensions: 40x25x11 mm
Weight: 9
Indication accuracy: +/- 0,01V
The total voltage range: 0,5-36V
TheVoltage range on display for the article: 0,5-4,5V
Voltage display: battery packs of 2-8 articles
Setting the alarm function: OFF or 2,7-3,8V the article

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Ovidiu Patrascu, 25. 10. 2018

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