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Airsoft BBs, 0.42g, 6mm, gray, stainless, 1000rd, small bag, BLS

BBs 6 mm BLS 0.42g - 1000 pcs. Heavy gray BBs from series STAINLESS will appreciate mainly snipers in their powerful guns. Speciality of these pellets is higher content of metal powder, which is necessary to got an accurate weight and good homogeneity of the material ie. BBs are magnetic. Accurate and double polished ammunition with excellent price/quality ratio directly from the manufacturer in Taiwan. These BBs are made of the same quality and the same production line as airsoft BBs Guarder, MadBull etc. Can also be used in precision barrel 6.01 mm from PDI.

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12,40 € incl. VAT

Airsoft BBs, 0.42g, 6mm, gray, stainless, 1000rd, small bag, BLS. BBs 6 mm BLS 0.42g - 1000 pcs. Heavy gray BBs from series STAINLESS will appreciate mainly snipers in their powerful guns. Speciality of these pellets is higher content of metal powder, which is necessary to got an accurate weight and good homogeneity of the material ie. BBs are magnetic. Accurate and double polished ammunition with excellent price/quality ratio directly from the manufacturer in Taiwan. These BBs are made of the same quality and the same production line as airsoft BBs Guarder, MadBull etc. Can also be used in precision barrel 6.01 mm from PDI. Gray BBs whose look like a graphite. They are therefore suitable for shooters who want their shots were invisible.

On numerous requests from many customers these heavy pelets are packed in smaller quantities, which appreciated especially snipers and all other shooters with less ammo consumption.

Recommended airsoft accessories, parameters, review and other useful information about the product Airsoft BBs, 0.42g, 6mm, gray, stainless, 1000rd, small bag, BLS can be found in the bookmarks.

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Jevgenij Avilkin, 24. 05. 2019

Those really heavy ones

audrius vinslauskas, 13. 05. 2020

Henrijs Lipovskis, 29. 05. 2020

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