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Airsoft BBs, 0.30g, 6mm, 3300rd, MATCH, BLS

BBs 6 mm 0.30g BLS MATCH - 3300 pcs. High-precision and double-polished ammunition with a reduced number of internal bubbles directly from the manufacturer in Taiwan. These BBs are produced in higher quality and at the same production line as an example. Guarder, MadBull etc. Can also be used in precision barrel 6.01 mm from PDI. Best sellers ammunition for upgraded weapon!

In Stock > 500 pcs Delivery date

12,80 € incl. VAT

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More Information
Airsoft BBs, 0.30g, 6mm, 3300rd, MATCH, BLS. BBs 6 mm 0.30g BLS MATCH - 3300 pcs. High-precision and double-polished ammunition with a reduced number of internal bubbles directly from the manufacturer in Taiwan. These BBs are produced in higher quality and at the same production line as an example. Guarder, MadBull etc. Can also be used in precision barrel 6.01 mm from PDI. Best sellers ammunition for upgraded weapon!

Recommended airsoft accessories, parameters, review and other useful information about the product Airsoft BBs, 0.30g, 6mm, 3300rd, MATCH, BLS can be found in the bookmarks.

Product Comments

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Vladislav Valenta, 22. 02. 2015

David Vorel, 24. 02. 2015

Aleš Kalous, 24. 02. 2015

Zoltán Bogár, 27. 02. 2015

Karel Kucín, 01. 04. 2015

Šárka Pešková, 20. 04. 2015

Jaroslav Kutych, 29. 04. 2015

Zcela bez problémů, doporučuji.

Gábor Sári, 28. 03. 2017

Danni henriksen, 05. 06. 2017

Ivan Jakopcevic, 01. 05. 2018

Shelby Lenaerts, 17. 06. 2018

Savköpő Menyét Alapítvány, 17. 12. 2019

Henrijs Lipovskis, 29. 05. 2020

Arvid Vallaeys, 18. 08. 2021

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